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what's your story?


It's the story that counts. People want to be entertained, informed or excited. The data informs the how and the where, but only the story satisfies the goal. I know a good story when I hear one. 


This site serves as my professional online resume, but I also provide a bit more information to tell a more complete story. Have a look and if you're interested in having a conversation, contact me.

Specialize in:

  • Data-driven marketing

  • Project management

  • Team management

  • Integrated communications strategies

  • Analytics for growth




Connect on LinkedIn:

  • LinkedIn - Grey Circle



“Chris is an experienced, multi-faceted marketing and communications professional that can tackle any challenge. I respect the passion for the written word that is at his core, and throughout his career he has leveraged that talent to master both digital and traditional marketing. Chris blends the perfect mix of strategy and action to ensure programs he leads get done right.”


- Eric Zoromski, president, Vx Group



"It's not the will to win that is important. Everybody has that. It's the will to prepare to win that matters."


- Paul "Bear" Bryant



We're bringing data and creative together to tell a complete story on how campaigns and tactics perform. The continued evolutions of mass and niche media are bringing opportunities to marketers.


We are wrapping up a multimedia campaign, and I think it's one of the best I've been involved with. Real stories told by real people. Emotion driven by data and analytics.

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